Board and CEO Practice
CEO Search and Succession Planning
Our selection and succession planning process is focusing on the requirements of the future strategy of the company. The required skillsets vary for each company and situation. It is important to realise that past performance under specific circumstances is not a prediction of future results and outcomes in other situations. Candidate assessment consists of a review of past performance and evaluation of a candidate’s readiness, with a comparison of role requirements against competencies and cultural fit. An additional assessment of potential indicates future development of skills and learning curve.
Every CEO appointment has a significant impact on the business. As part of the candidate specification, a definition of the job requirements in the mid to long term is essential. Our starting position is the Schulthess Zimmermann & Jauch Framework and insights from the confidential discussions with the Chair and Nomination Committee. Several key questions must be addressed, including the start date or initiation of a process with internal succession candidates.
Board Review and Board Development
Recent findings have shown that board members understand their company’s financial position significantly better than its industry dynamics or risks, and boards have yet to capture the full opportunities offered by a diverse boardroom. High quality engagement versus mechanistic annual board level strategy processes and reviews should be implemented to succeed with an effective board. With the board’s involvement, the strategy process becomes even more complex and hence a culture of trust and discourse must be carefully implemented and guided.
In line with our framework, we have developed structured assessment methodologies, including individual interviews of board members and observation of board meetings, to provide the following services:
- Analysis of the board structure, composition and effectiveness to complement
the company’s strategy. - Development of succession plans together with the board.
- Assessment of the independence of non-executive directors.
- Assessment of board diversity against various criteria, including cultural background,
technical expertise, gender and management style.
Search for Board of Directors
The aim is to identify and attract board members based on a competency-based search methodology and the nomination policy of the company. Our strong network across sectors and our structured search process ensure we develop a strong set of candidates for chair, non-executive director and independent lead director positions.
We bring diversity, which has many different dimensions, to boards. In particular, the identification and placement of strong female board members is core to our board search practice, thus helping clients to explore the full potential of the candidate universe across industries and geographies.
Board members are evaluated according to criteria, such as an enthusiasm for the business, sector knowledge, independence and the ability to contribute constructively to the strategic orientation and challenge of the company.